Well, my first post in what I hope will be a really great chronicle of my Korean adventures and then some. It must be said that I haven't yet left for Korea. I leave at 7 AM on the 18th of this month, so I've still got some time to get all my stuff sorted.
A little background on myself, so you know who you're dealing with. Born and raised in San Diego for half o my life, and the other half spent in the cruel heat of Phoenix, I'm a recent college grad from Arizona State. I'm an aspiring polyglot, as I aim to learn as many languages as I can fit into my head (currently speaking: Spanish, French, basic Portuguese, really lame Swedish, and baby-level Korean). I'm a person of many, many (many, many...) interests, so I guess you can expect a wide variety of topics to be covered here, but my biggest passion in life is costume design. I'm an anime/history nerd so my dream job is to one day do costume design for film and TV. Gimme dat Oscar (or BAFTA...)!
So what am I going to be doing in South Korea? Well, following the tradition of travelers who need money, I will be teaching English with EPIK. I applied to go to Busan because a.) it's really difficult to get into Seoul b.) Busan is the second biggest city behind Seoul and I'm a city girl and c.) THE BEACH. I can't handle being hours from the coast anymore, so now I will be in a city by the sea and can pretend like I'm Kiki. My biggest dream in life is not to be an English teacher, but I'm willing to learn anything new so I thought I'd give teaching abroad a shot to take a break from student life for a while and see a bit more of the world.
As the big departure gets closure, I'll update post a little more, so until then!
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